Ergonomic On-Line Dealer Visits HealthPostures

We have been working with Ergonomic Home as HealthPostures dealer for over 10 years.  Through the years we have had many phone and email conversations about ergonomic products and issues.  We had a chance to meet Tom Gaede with Ergonomic last week when Tom paid a visit to our offices here in (now Prior Lake) MN.


Ergonomic Home, based in Houston Texas, started out with HealthPostures and the Stance Angle chair and eventually started to promote the sit to stand Computer TaskMate.  For the past 10 years Tom has been introducing the TaskMate to many companies and Government offices.


We covered a lot of ground with Tom’s visit here.  We toured the manufacturing and assembly area where the TaskMate is built and shipped.  We then toured the new HealthPostures web site and explored the dealer login in page.


Ergonomic Home’s web site along with other HealthPostures dealers can be found at the Find a Re-seller Page