HealthPostures Desktop Risers Easily Fit on Existing Desk

Desk risers are at the forefront of open floor plan trends. Healthpostures Taskmate is a major retailer manufacturing and distributing desk risers like the Taskmate workstation to industrial, manufacturing, hospital, call center and office organizations.


Ergonomics retailers like and major office superstores have also entered the desk riser space. One reason why desk risers are becoming increasingly popular has to do with how easy it is to assemble and start using the ergonomics.


Healthpostures Taskmate is a true desk riser

As an example, HealthposturesTaskmate executive is easily assembled atop large workstations. This computer Taskmate is built with an all-in-one keyboard tray, a telephone holder and document holders. The computer Taskmate can hold up to 75 pounds. Double monitors and a laptop or desktop could easily be accommodated on HealthposturesTaskmate desk riser.


Truly beneficial desk risers are also easy to adjust. You might be able to raise or lower the height of a desk riser by simply punching a button or raising or lowering a lever. Healthpostures’ Taskmate workstation is adjusted using a toggle switch.


Ability to swivel in an ergonomics chair or a traditional office chair is another must if desk risers are to offer measurable benefits like increased mobility and flexibility. Getting to increased flexibility involves placing desk risers and the computer Taskmate in a location that provides enough free space for workers to move in a complete circle without bumping into a wall or another piece of furniture.


Durable desk risers

Durability is one of the greatest benefits gained from making desk risers part of the work space. Modern designs like the Healthpostures’ Taskmate executive and the computer Taskmate Journey standing desk are made of steel. Regardless of how many times the desk risers are raised and lowered, the ergonomics equipment maintains its original appearance and functionality.


Because desk risers may be used by several workers, especially at locations that encourage open seating, it’s a good idea to choose neutral colored desk risers. Reason for this is that neutral colored desk risers can be used by professionals with varying color and style preferences.


Smaller desk risers like the Surface Taskmate workstation are small enough to fit inside a briefcase. Their size may make them top furniture pieces to use when developing an office open floor plan. This is because all the Taskmate workstation needs is 24 by 18 inches of space.

6300 TaskMate Go



Trying out computer Taskmate

Even with this small space need, it’s important to install a dozen or more of these desk risers with sufficient space between each of them. Why? Workers need ample private space to avoid feeling crowded. With sufficient space, even while working in an office developed using an open floor plan, workers could steer clear of feeling as if they cannot hold a conversation with a client without being completely overheard.


If you’re a real estate specialist, you can try out desk risers like the Healthpostures’ Taskmate while visiting an ergonomics retailer. Trade shows and ergonomics conferences are other locations where you could see a computer Taskmate up close. Test the ergonomics product’s height, length, adjustability and durability. If you get to try out  a Taskmate in person, be sure to ask Healthpostures’ representatives about the product’s functionality and how the desk riser can improve an office open floor plan.


